Saturday, December 12, 2009

"Speak First and Lose"

A newly-married couple moved into their new house and started to quarrel almost at once.

The husband said, "Close the door, there is a draft."

The wife answered, "I am not your slave---shut it yourself."

"I tell you what", said the husband, "let's see who can keep silent the longer. The first person to speak shuts the door." She nodded her agreement, and they sat down, with the wind whistling about them.

The day wore on, and neither of them moved. Some thieves, passing by, saw the open door and walked in. They examined everything in the house, including the silent pair, whom they took for statues. Then they stripped the house, and even took the bride's jewelry.

Still neither had moved, or said a word. Darkness fell, and the Watch, finding the door open, came into the room. "Shut this door," said the Captain of the Watch. Neither partner moved.

"You must obey the orders of the Watch" shouted the Captain.

Unable to elicit any response, the men of the Watch dragged the couple to jail.

In the morning they were taken before the magistrate at the court of summary justice.

"If you don't speak, it's contempt of court," he told the husband. Getting no answer, the judge said, "I'll have you whipped if you are not careful..........."

Suddenly, the woman cried out, "Don't hit my husband!!"

"You've lost the bet", shouted her spouse. "Now you have to shut the door."

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